Monday, 13 August 2012

Funny&Gross Scale

Why, oh why, do most of the comedies these days  have to be gross? And did you notice that the one(funny) can't go without the other (gross)?  So there should be a thing called funny&gross scale.
You know, like Barney's hot&crazy scale. 

So, for instance, most of you have seen the American Pie series. And you have to admit, all parts were  really funny, but also pretty gross. Then, something  more recent-Ted. We kinda knew it was gonna be both gross and hilarious, because of the Family Guy. And it sure was. But the question is- what's the deal with funny&gross scale? You see, if the movie is more gross  than funny, then maybe, just maybe, it's not worth rewatching. Or recommending. Or it's simply a bad movie (well, that depends). Now, if a movie is more funny than gross, there you go, you have a great comedy worth recommending, liking on facebook,  tweeting about etc. Again, it depends, but still...  
And that's about it.  Now here are some  recent movies that I recommend, that are more funny than gross, but still kinda gross. And sorry for using the word gross a lot.

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